Course Overview: Contemporary
Approaches for Responding Effectively to Community-Defined Disorder (CARE CDD) consists of two separate eLearning courses, one
designed for law enforcement practitioners and one geared specifically for
executives, that examine successful initiatives around the country. These
initiatives include homeless outreach teams, mental health crisis intervention,
domestic abuse harm reduction, substance use disorder treatment, gang violence
prevention, and more—demonstrating a “community care” framework for responding
effectively to a variety of disorder and crime problems. The courses examine
the role of law enforcement officers and agencies in developing, implementing,
sustaining, and evaluating these types of community-based problem-solving
Public safety agencies recognize that many
types of harm can affect the health of a community—not just the major crime incidents that
dominate headlines, but also the everyday disorder problems that negatively
impact community members and generate frequent calls for service. In many
cases, past efforts to manage disorder have focused on enforcement actions
targeting low-level offenses. However, research and practice indicate that
aggressive, enforcement-focused order maintenance strategies are ineffective
and can undermine relationships between law enforcement and community
public safety professionals recognize the need for innovative problem solving
to address disorder and crime problems, which occur disproportionately in
under-resourced neighborhoods. Responding to complex problems requires law enforcement to form
partnerships with community stakeholders and other agencies to enact
multi-faceted initiatives. Such efforts represent a fundamental change in the
way we think about public safety, emphasizing the collaborative role of police
and other law enforcement practitioners as caretakers of their
help connect principles to practice, a series of field-driven video case
briefings provides insight on innovative practices that law enforcement
practitioners and executives can apply in their own communities. The case
studies feature interviews with subject matters experts currently engaged in
community-oriented programs to manage disorder problems in their
Learning Objectives:
- Explain how the principles and practices of
community policing can be applied to address community-defined disorder.
- Describe the role of law enforcement in managing
community-defined disorder.
- Differentiate between varying approaches to
order maintenance.
- Explain the relationship between disorder
policing and community policing.
- Analyze case studies to identify strategies that
can be applied in your community.
- Apply problem-solving methods to identify,
define, and respond to community-defined disorder problems.
- Describe the benefits of proactive,
collaborative problem solving.
- Explain how to identify and define disorder
problems that require intervention.
- Identify partners who can share resources to
address specific disorder problems in the community.
- Develop effective responses to community-defined
- Analyze case studies to identify strategies that
can be applied in your community.
- Identify collaboration and communication
strategies to support effective problem solving.
- Based on the needs of the agency, select
appropriate leadership strategies to support effective order maintenance
- List benefits of using a collaborative model to
improve quality of life in the community.
- Identify methods for communicating effectively
with community members about quality-of-life initiatives.
- Identify structures to promote collaboration
among organization members.
- Analyze case studies to identify strategies that
can be applied in your community.
- Describe how problem-solving initiatives to
address disorder can be sustained for long-term success.
- Identify factors that may influence the
sustainability of problem-solving initiatives.
- Explain the role of discretion when managing
disorder in the community.
- Develop a plan for the training and ongoing
professional development of personnel involved in problem-solving initiatives.
- Select appropriate performance measures for
evaluating the success of first-line personnel.
- Analyze case studies to identify strategies that
can be applied in your community.
Target Audience: Developed as a
stand-alone companion to the CARE CDD course for practitioners, this course is
streamlined for law enforcement executives and presented in an easily
accessible, self-paced format. CARE CDD for Executives is ideal for leadership
personnel representing agencies of all sizes and demographics.
Cooperative Partners: This tuition-free online training
was developed by the National Center for Policing Innovation (NCPI), formerly known as Virginia Center for Policing Innovation, and was originally supported by cooperative agreement 2018-CK-WXK-018 by
the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services
Learning Hours: 4 hours including the pre-test
and post-test.
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