NOTE: This is a free resource, NOT an eLearning course. There is no pretest or posttest, and you will not receive a certificate of completion for reviewing this resource.
Resource Overview: Police
& Dog Encounters: Tactical Strategies and Effective Tools to Keep Our Communities
Safe and Humane, a 5-part video
series, is the product of a collaborative partnership between the National
Canine Research Council, Safe Humane Chicago and the Office of Community
Oriented Policing Services (COPS). These roll call videos, along with the
companion publication The Problem of Dog-Related Incidents and Encounters,
examine tools, practices, and procedures that contribute to effective responses
to dog-related incidents and encounters where dogs are present.
The video series helps develop skills for law enforcement in
effective strategies in assessing a dog’s environment; what dog posture,
vocalization, and facial expressions mean; options for distracting and escaping
from a dog; defensive options in dealing with a dog; asking the right questions
in dog investigations; and effective gathering of dog evidence and report
writing. The primary goals include ensuring public and officer safety and
considering community needs and demands.
Each video in the series is available in English and Spanish
and may be accessed via the COPS Training Portal in two ways: played directly
through your logged-in COPS Training Portal user account; and/or downloaded,
saved and played offline, directly from your device.
Target Audience: Sworn law enforcement officers
of all ranks and positions.