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About this course

Course Overview:

Introduction to the Non-Confrontational Investigative Interviewing Approach, an eLearning course, explores the techniques of non-confrontational interviewing to optimize results from investigations. The course compares confrontational and non-confrontational interviews, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each approach. Real case examples and studies provide evidence of the success investigators experience through establishing rapport and interviewing with an open mind.

Traditional interview techniques often employ a confrontational approach to interviewing which can have negative outcomes such as false confessions, resistance, and reduced credibility. Evidence from confrontational interviews reinforces the claim that non-confrontational interviewing is often a more effective approach.

Many studies have been conducted to analyze the best strategies to implement during interviewing. This eLearning course, which draws from multiple resources and evidence-based strategies explains how police officers can utilize a nonconfrontational approach to increase the likelihood of obtaining actionable information.

This course offers strategies for preparing and executing a non-confrontational interview through questioning, building rapport, and developing a safe environment. This course serves primarily as a concept introduction and is not intended to teach mastery of the skills and techniques of non-confrontational interviewing.

Target Audience: Law enforcement officers.

Cooperative Partners: This free online training was developed by the Law Enforcement Innovation Center (LEIC) and was supported by the cooperative agreement 2020-CK-WXK-056 by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS).

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the characteristics of improper interviewing techniques
  • Describe the benefits of applying evidence-based, non-confrontational interviewing techniques
  • Strategize for an interview using a non-confrontational approach, even with limited time and information
  • Establish and maintain rapport with the subject to establish a cooperative mindset
  • Apply effective question structure to obtain actionable information from subjects and assess their responses to determine what follow-up questions to ask or actions to take

Learning Hours: 1 Hour

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Type: eLearning Course
All Topics: Professional Skills and Competencies
Sub-topic: Patrol and Investigations
Learning Hours: 1 Hour
Learning Partner(s): UT LEIC


Start date: 01/01/25
End date: 12/31/25

Course files

Enrollment methods

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Self enrollment (Student)
Self enrollment (Student)