Drug Endangered Children: You Can Change the Long-Term Outcomes of Drug Endangered Children
Enrollment options
Course Overview: You
Can Change the Long-Term Outcomes of Drug Endangered Children, an eLearning course, demonstrates how exposure to drug
activity and substance use has long-term impacts on drug endangered children
(DEC) and includes action steps to support these children. Additional
courses provided by DEC include, Drug Endangered Children Overview, Prenatal Substance Exposure - Why Should I Care?,
and Postnatal Risks - How You Can Make a Difference.
This course outlines how Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) such as growing up in households where substance use and drug activity are present impacts children long-term including cognitive deficits, emotional risks, high-risk behavior, and health problems. Early intervention and building resilience are important factors that can change the trajectory of a child’s life and help break the multigenerational cycle of substance abuse. For more information on drug endangered children, please contact National DEC at https://nationaldec.org.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify the long-term impact and needs of drug endangered children throughout childhood and into adulthood
- Examine how early identification and intervention can change the trajectory of a child’s life and break the long-term cycle of multigenerational substance abuse
- Determine the best approach to a particular situation to reduce trauma for drug endangered children
- Recognize the essential elements required for a successful multidisciplinary collaborative response to meet the needs of drug endangered children
- Choose appropriate next steps to take after completing this module
Target Audience: Law enforcement, first responders, and child welfare, medical, legal, and education professionals.
Cooperative Partners: This tuition-free online training was developed by National Alliance for Drug Endangered Children (National DEC) and was originally supported by cooperative agreement 2017-CK-WXK-008 by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS).
Learning Hours: 45 minutes including the pre-test and post-test.